Selasa, 11 Maret 2014


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I had a dream, that one day when my novel Shadow of the Lion was published, I would go to Egypt especially to visit the city of Alexandria which I had done so much research about -- from it's beginnings and through the dynasty of Ptolemy Soter, Alexander's illegitimate half-brother who help build the city and brought Alexander's body there to be buried.


I've had this dream to visit Egypt for many years. As a youngster I knew about Egypt from Bible stories, and later through the research for my historical fiction novels. A friend and I had made a pact that once my novel was publisher and she had obtained her Master's degree, we'd hop a cruise ship in Greece and sail there, to Alexandria.  Little did I know then that suddenly one day I'd get a phone call from Montreal offering me a trip, all expenses paid for, to go with a travel writer's delegation. The purpose is to interest people in travel to Egypt and this 'gift' was given to me by the Egyptian Tourism.

The Valley of the Kings
It hardly seems real yet, that in just a few days from now I'll actually be sailing on the Nile and viewing all those magnificent ancient edifices that I've read about in history books and novels for so many years!

The itinerary is spectacular:  from a Nile Cruise to a visit to the Valley of the Kings, the pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx as well as a few days at a luxury spa resort on the Red Sea.  And then a return to Cairo to view the museums and even visit Memphis. (Yes! I'm goin' to Memphis....Egypt, that is!)


And as a special treat for me, (because I happened to mention Shadow of the Lion and my research), they have arranged a two day escorted trip for me to visit Alexandria!

Cartoche with Alexander's name.?

I can hardly believe it!  Will I wake up and find out this really IS just a dream?  For sure, it's a dream come true and I am so excited about this wonderful opportunity. I just know it's going to be one of the most magical mystery tours of my traveler's lifetime and I very grateful to the Egyptian Tourism, especially to Mr. Mostafa Sallam, the Consul director of Egyptian Tourism in Canada. Shukran, Mr. Sallam, I truly appreciate the special honor of going to your country to write the stories that will attract others who might have had the same dream as me!

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