Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014


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Tower Bridge

Here I go today, August 31, off on another adventure.  My first stop is London where I always stay at the Indian Y.  Right across the park is the home of Virginia Woolf. And it's close to walk lots of places for sightseeing.

Virginia Woolf's House
I'll only spend 1 day there and then I'm off to Wales, on Sept 2.  Going to visit my Welsh cousins in Caerphilly. And of course, my usual inspection of my castle.

Caerphilly Castle
Then it's back to London for the Historical Fiction Writer's conference on Sept 5, 6.  This trip is part book promo and this is a great opportunity for me to make myself known and show of my copy of SHADOW OF THE LION: BLOOD ON THE MOON  (I'll be staying in a univ. dorm near the new Globe Theatre.

Then I'm back to the Indian Y one more day and I'll take one of my favorite walking tours. (Not sure which one yet)

Flying to Greece on Sept 8.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the gang at To Kati Allo and my friend Carol where I'll be staying at her Villa Olympia funky B&B.

The To Kati Allo Gang


On Sept 10 I'm heading up to Thessaloniki by train to attend Manolis Angelasaki's poetry presentation and to drop in on the Society of Macedonian Studies with my book.  I intend to visit the archaeological site of Pella,  the Royal City which is one of the settings in SHADOW. 
Then I'm going to a beach resort at Asprovalta from where I can take a short trip up to retrace my research of Amphipolis, where much of the second volume of SHADOW takes place. Here is where they have just discovered an amazing tomb, likely one of Alexander' generals. I plan to snoop around but probably won't be able to get too close.  The Lion of Amphipolis that stands by the roadside is thought to have once guarded the tomb.

The Lion of Amphipolis?

Then it's back to Athens on Sept 14 and lots to do there seeing old friends, revisiting favorite sites, and exploring new gentrified areas and venues to add to the Athens Guide e-book I'm working on.

I'm doing a reading of my book at the Athen's Centre on Sept 24.  Then I'll take the train up to Larissa, Thessaly for another reading at the World Poetry Conference Sept 27.  Looking forward to meeting new friends at these. 

From then on to Oct 8 when I leave Greece, I will play it by ear,probably visit an island or two and just have some fun.

View from my friend Chris's house in Salamina
Oct 8 I arrive in Frankfurt and will meet up with my friend Patrick and spend some time with him at Meinz where he lives.  Flying home Oct 11 with lots of travel adventure tales to tell you

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