Kamis, 30 Juli 2015


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A couple of years ago two Vancouver friend, Carlos and Natalia, moved to Malaga, Spain to open an ESL school. I decided that since I'll be in Spain visiting other friends, it would be nice to stop by to see them too.

Malaga is the second largest city in the Andalusia region of Spain on the Costa del Sol (population 538,479). It is one of the oldest cities in the world, founded by the Phoenicians around 770 BC. The name derives from the Phoenician "malaka" which meant "salt" because fish were salted near the harbour here. It was under Carthage's rule during the 6th century, later part of the Roman Empire. After Rome fell, it was under the Islamic domination until 1487. During the Arabic rule the city became an important trade centre.  The city has Phoenician, Roman, Arabic and Christian era archaeological remains which interest me. 

Several famous people were born in Malaga including Pablo Picasso, the Jewish philosopher/poet Solomon Ibn Gabirol and more recently, the actor Antonio Banderas. Cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona's famous "Malaguena" is named for the city. 

Malaga has been named European Capital of Culture for 2016. There is lots to see and do in Malaga, besides the beautiful beaches (which Natalia has promised to take me to!). There are many interesting museums (at least 30) including the Picasso Museum and the Wine Museum. The baroque Cathedral "La Mangueta" has been newly restored. There is a Roman theatre, A Moorish Alcazaba fortress (with an archaeological museum) and panoramic views from the Gibralfaro Castle.  

I'll only be there for a few days but I'll try to see as much as I can while I'm enjoying the company of my friends. 

NEXT: Back to my adopted home, GREECE 

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