Senin, 09 November 2015


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On an overcast day late August in London, I joined a London's Walks touring group to spend the morning and afternoon walking in the Cotswolds.  We met our friendly host/guide Richard at Paddington Station at 9.30 then boarded the train for a pleasant journey to Oxford where we transferred onto a touring coach to drive through the quaint towns of the Cotswolds, some dating from the 1400 - 1700s.

The Cotswolds is an area in south central England roughly 25 miles (40km) across and 90 miles (145 km) long stretching from the south-west just south of Stratford-on-Ave, south to Bath. The name, "Cotswolds" is attributed to mean "sheep enclosure in rolling hillsides" (wold meaning "hill"). However this is contested and usually the name is accepted to be derived from Codesuualt, or variations such as "Cod's-wold" which means "high open land"

There are remains of Bronze and Iran Age forts in the area and later the Romans built villas there. During the Middle Ages the Cotswolds became prosperous from the wool trade and the area is still populated with sheep farms. Today many of the Cotswolds homes and estates are occupied by wealthy Londoners or retirees.

The home of Graham Greene, author

We drove through many of the lovely towns and at some we stopped to walk around. At Chipping Camden when we stopped for lunch it took me ages to find a dining place that wasn't full of people and by the time I did, I only had ten minutes left to down a bowl of soup and some yam friends. Then it was back to the coach until we were let off again at Lower Slaughter. From there we walked in the misty rain across the fields to Upper Slaughter.All along the way our friendly, informative guide, Richard, told us stories and interesting anecdotes.

The entire day, in spite of the rain, was pleasant though by the time I'd walked the six miles around and to villages, my feet were soaked and sore. It was worth the effort though and I'd recommend this walk to anyone who likes the countryside.

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